Malý Sean se narodil ve stejný den jako jeho otec. Po jeho narození si John Lennon dal pauzu a uzavřel se před okolním světem, věnoval se pouze Seanovi a staral se o domácnost. Vynahrazoval tím to, co zameškal při narození prvního syna Juliana v...

Píseň: Dead Meat

Sean Lennon
Friendly Fire
Dead meat, 
Don't you know you're dead meat? 
You just messed with the wrong team 
Better not try and fall asleep now. 

You better run out of here 
I'll close my eyes and count to ten 
and then I'll come find you. 

You're gonna get what you deserve 
Gonna get what you deserve 
In the end you're gonna learn 
Oh, you'll get what you deserve. 

Too much now you know too much 
Only one choice you leave for us 
Do you think they'll believe us, or you? 

Hope you realize this isn't a game 
You know the price, okay? 
Oh, your life could be chaos. 

You're gonna get what you deserve 
Gonna get what you deserve 
In the end you're gonna learn 
Oh, you'll get what you deserve.